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Displaying 221 - 227 of 227 (page 23 of 23)
Title Language ILR ACTFL Modality Type
What an Insanity #5: A Forced Marriage Urdu 2+/3 Superior Video Video Learning Object launch
The Story #2: Wedding Preparations Urdu 2+/3 Superior Video Video Learning Object launch
The Story #3: The Partition of British India Urdu 2+/3 Superior Video Video Learning Object launch
Pakistan-China Economic Partnership Urdu 2/2+/3 Superior Multiple Compact Learning Object launch
Pakistan-China Economic Plans Urdu 2/2+/3 Superior Multiple Compact Learning Object launch
A Radio Host’s Personal Life Urdu 2+/3 Superior Video Video Learning Object launch
Territorial Disputes (Kashmir) Featuring Control of Water Urdu 2+/3 Advanced High Multiple Thematic Unit launch