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Displaying 361 - 370 of 449 (page 37 of 45)
Title Language ILR ACTFL Modality Type
Virtual Lives on the Internet Russian 3+/4 Distinguished Reading Language Learning Object launch
The Future of Spam Russian 3+/4 Distinguished Reading Language Learning Object launch
A Monopoly on News Russian 3+/4 Distinguished Reading Language Learning Object launch
The Future of the Internet Russian 3+/4 Distinguished Reading Language Learning Object launch
Social Mobilization Through the Internet Russian 3+/4 Distinguished Reading Language Learning Object launch
Quick Texts and Checks: Health Information Russian 1+ Intermediate High Reading Quick Texts and Checks launch
Quick Texts and Checks: Public Transportation Russian 1+ Intermediate High Reading Quick Texts and Checks launch
Quick Texts and Checks: Vehicle Regulations Russian 1+ Intermediate High Reading Quick Texts and Checks launch
Quick Texts and Checks: Workplace Regulations Russian 1+ Intermediate High Reading Quick Texts and Checks launch
Quick Texts and Checks: Belorussky Train Station Russian 1+ Intermediate High Reading Quick Texts and Checks launch