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Displaying 1 - 10 of 751 (page 1 of 76)
Title Language ILR ACTFL Modality Type
The Media in Ethiopia Amharic 2+/3 Superior Listening Language Learning Object launch
International Festival for the Tigrayan Diaspora Amharic 2+/3 Superior Listening Language Learning Object launch
Ethiopia and the United Nations Amharic 2+/3 Superior Listening Language Learning Object launch
Third Party #8: Rising Tensions Arabic, Egyptian 2+/3 Superior Video Video Learning Object launch
Third Party #14: Corruption Arabic, Egyptian 2+/3 Superior Video Video Learning Object launch
To the People of Trarza Arabic, Hassaniyya 2+/3 Superior Listening Language Learning Object launch
A Message for Kiffa Residents Arabic, Hassaniyya 2+/3 Superior Listening Language Learning Object launch
Toujounine Infrastructure Arabic, Hassaniyya 2+/3 Superior Listening Language Learning Object launch
Mauritanian Elections Arabic, Hassaniyya 2+/3 Superior Listening Language Learning Object launch
Imposed Democracy Arabic, Hassaniyya 2+/3 Superior Listening Language Learning Object launch